Skin turning brown like apples -- Korean research team suggests solutions
mercoledì 23 gennaio 2019
- SEOUL, South Korea, Jan. 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- DEMAR3, the cosmetics research team from Natural Substances Lab in South Korea, found that the cause of skin pigmentation is due to a substance called tyrosinase, the same substance responsible for making apples turn brown. The team presented their findings at a product launch conference in France on the 10th of January. According to the results, tyrosinase is a metallic protein enzyme that oxidizes by combining with free radicals which in turn synthesizes melanin and reduces the functionality in cells. The research team, DEMAR3 suggested a product called Etsere 62 Burning that utilizes nucleation effects as a solution to resolve the pigmentation of skin by oxidation.Nucleation is an effect where an explosive reaction occurs when the nucleus of the catalyst meets another material. The research team stated that "The nucleation effect was applied to Etsere 62 Burning in order to utilize the reaction to catalyze and amplify its effects."By applying nucleation effect, Etsere 62 Burning enables the first product to act as the catalyst of another second product, enabling each to support and maximize their individual effects, which led the team to suggest using both products together to get the full desired effect.Photo -
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